Cuba Township Republicans

Join us at our events...

We Honor

Cuba Township Republicans:

We honor the United States Constitution and believe that neither the executive, legislative or judicial branches of government should diminish the rights enumerated therein. The cornerstone of our constitutional republic and of the Republican Party is stated in the Declaration of Independence: 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

NEXT EVENT: September 13, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Lake County Ladies Luncheon - November Candidate Forum
Biltmore County Club


Your Invited

Join us at one of our monthly Cuba Townshipt Republican meetings, Candidate Forums, 

Republican Women Luncheons,  And State Republican Candidate Events.

State Republican Candidate Events

One of primary goals to you the voter, is to help you be the most informed voter in the upcoming elections. Attend our candidate events.

Gain further knowledge regarding the state wide candidates you will be voting for in the next election.
Find out how the candidates, once elected will improve you, your family and neighbors lives gong forward. 
Undertand how the Republican candidates surpass the Democrats. 
Meet and get to know in person the candidates you will vote for.
You are an ambassador for us to share the voting knowledge you can from attending one of our candidates events.

Ladies Candidate Lunches 

For those on our email list, we send out announcements regarding  your upcoming ladies luncheons where you will be with like minded women from Cuba Township area, Lake County area and the State of Illinois.

Enjoy good company and food.
Learn more about Cuba Township current events and topics.
Learn more about the greater Barrington area topics and issues.
Find out what is going on in Lake County for important issues.
Gain a perspective on current State of Illinois issues and topics. 

Our Candidate Forums:

Join us for one of our well know Cuba Canddiate Forums. This events are held during the day and/or at night. Notifications are send via email and Facebook.

Find out where the candidates stand on improving the lives of you and your family. 
Attend and meet the candidates personally and get your questions answered in person, when time allows.
Attend and obtain contact information from the candidates..
Gain current, and informative candidate information to share with you family and neighbors.
Become a better informed voter in upcomoing elections.

Learn about how you can help us...

Join our meetings, help us put signs out at the voting booths, encourgae like minded neighbors and friends to vote.

Cuba Township Republicans

Join us your Cuba Township neighbors and friends...

Start learning what is happening...

Local matters, start understanding what is going on in Cuba Township, Lake County and the State of Illinois. 

Understand more fully the issues, topics and polticis that affects the quality of your life.

© Copyright | All Right Reserved. Cuba Township

Paid for by the Cuba Township Republicans
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available on the Board’s official website. ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

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